The south side of Parcel BB, where you enter the property, is composed of high, fairly level ground, including a stock pond on the south side. From there, the property tumbles down through some big old-growth timber to the frontage on the Shull Branch which makes up the northern boundary of the parcel. Where the pond is, there’s gently rolling terrain and lots of pasture, and adjoining on the west, is our scenic green-space. The property is only about a quarter-mile from pavement and ten miles from Willow Springs, Missouri. Electric, phone, and DSL are available. It’s 390 feet wide and 760 feet deep. There’s a little less than 100 feet of elevation change from the rise above the pond down to the center of the creek, but the wooded part of the terrain is steep. Restrictions at Jacks Fork Farmsteads permit you to place any sort of home you choose (other than a mobile home) on the site after you’ve drilled a well and fenced the parcel.
Covered with a mature mixture of pines and oaks, and lays on a very gentle eastern slope which runs down to a small hollow, then back up to the back line of the property.