Property Details
Lillium Brook Parcel L
- Grid Electricity Available (currently off-grid) and Phone
- 2-Wheel-Drive Access
- No Mobile Homes
Lillium Brook Parcel L is a professionally surveyed 2.53-acre piece of forest that runs 333 feet along the access road and 330 feet to the west, essentially making the parcel a square. The parcel is mostly covered by cedar trees with dense vegetation all around, so your privacy is nearly assured.
Parcel L is just ¼ mile from Highway 137, about 1 mile north of the hamlet of Tyrone, Missouri. It has easy two-wheel drive access from pavement in a quiet farm community. Located 20 miles from Cabool and just 14 miles from Houston (the seat of Texas County, Missouri) where there are grocery stores, farm stores, a Walmart, and all the aforementioned county offices.
There is a 40-foot utility easement that allows electricity to be installed along the access road coming in from Highway 137. We just added a limestone driveway over a newly placed culvert, as well as fresh rock all along the access road frontage. The gentle, shady terrain and hardened driveway present an excellent building site.
- 2.53 Acres Surveryed and Staked
Legal Description
- LILLIUM BROOK PARCEL L: All of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 29 North, Range 8 West
- We will pass Fee Simple Title to the purchaser conveying 100% of the ownership of the property including all timber, mineral and water rights. We own this property free and clear of all tax liens, judgments mortgages or other encumbrances. As purchaser, you are not assuming any existing liens. We will record a Warranty Deed to the property in your name after you have made six monthly payments.
- LILLIUM BROOK is accessed from Missouri State Highway 137, a two-lane asphalt road, which is 20 to 24 feet in width and maintained by the Missouri State Highway Department, and by a 16-foot-wide dirt and gravel road on a 33-foot easement.
- Water:
- We do not supply water or water systems to any of these properties. Purchasers of these parcels need to arrange to drill their own private water well. For information on drilling procedures you should contact local well-drillers. Permits are not required to drill water wells for single-family dwellings; however, you are required to hire a state-licensed well-driller.
- Electric:
- INTERCOUNTY ELECTRIC CO-OP Box 209, Licking, MO 65542 Phone:(573) 674-2211 maintains the overhead electrical easement here.
- Telephone and Internet:
- Telephone and internet services are provided to Lillium Brook by CenturyLink1-800-201-4099. For cell phone service, we recommend US Cellular and for internet, a satellite provider.
- Septic:
- You may not take up occupancy until you provide sewage disposal for your property in the form of either:
- (A.) a septic tank and leach field, or (B.) a commercially manufactured composting toilet system.
- The State of Missouri says that any septic tank and leach field on less than three acres must be installed to Missouri Department of Natural Resources specifications. You can get information on these by speaking to the Health Department in your respective County Seat.
- Since they do not endanger the ground-water, properly operated and maintained composting toilets are not restricted, and thus are permitted at all locations.
- Garbage Disposal:
- Open dumping is illegal in the state of Missouri. Before occupying the property, you must make arrangements with a State-approved garbage collection company
- Gas:
- Propane gas is available from local dealers.
- Mail Delivery:
- Mail is delivered to Lillium Brook on Missouri Highway 137. To establish a mailbox there, contact the postmaster at the Houston Post Office.
Deed Restrictions:- No buildings shall be constructed closer than 100 ft. from a roadway or 30 ft. from a boundary. (This may be adjusted in certain locations.)
Explanation: buildings placed closer can cause situations that interfere with road maintenance and utility transmission.
- No refuse, debris, unused building materials nor derelict vehicles shall be allowed to collect on the premises.
Explanation: piles of junk are not only unsightly, but tend to spread to adjoining vacant parcels. Dead cars and junk make it harder for us to sell adjacent properties, or for you to sell yours.
- You may keep whatever livestock or pets you wish so long as they are not allowed to create a nuisance to neighboring land owners.
Explanation: this probably means that if you want to keep pigs in the most common fashion, you need a parcel of at least 5 acres with a back corner located away from anyone else's home. Lots of barking dogs may also cause you problems depending on the size of your parcel and how you locate your facilities.
- No parcel shall be further subdivided.
Explanation: you may build more than one residence on a single parcel, but you may not deed away a part of the parcel to someone else.
- All wastewater treatment facilities shall be constructed in accordance with applicable state water quality standards.
Explanation: if you plan to construct an in-ground septic system, it must meet state standards. We find that the typical state-approved septic system will cost upwards of $3,000 for labor and materials. Additionally, the state says that any septic system on less than three acres be built to Missouri Department of Natural Resources specifications. Parcels of 5 acres or greater are virtually unrestricted. Since they do not endanger the ground-water, composting toilets are not restricted.
- $100 (estimate)
Building codes and/or permits:- Texas County does not issue building permits and no building codes are in effect. The County Health Department must approve your septic system.
The property is about an hour and thirty minutes east of Springfield and about an hour south of Rolla. To get there, find Tyrone, MO on Highway H in Texas County. From there proceed east to the intersection of Highways Y and 137. From there, go one mile north (left) to a gravel drive beside some telephone boxes and several mailboxes on the west (east). You'll follow this access road across a small spring branch (gently) about 1/4-mile to where you will find the southeast corner of Lillium Brook Parcel L on your right. The driveway is just past that corner. The road frontage is 334 feet. Both of the south corners are marked with t-posts.
No Down Payment - Warranty Deed after Six Months
Welcome to where, since 1982, we have dedicated ourselves to making Ozark Mountain land available to anyone who sincerely wants to own it, on a first-come, first-served basis. You don’t need to make a sizeable down payment, or any down payment at all—just start making the monthly payments.All of the properties we sell are owned by us, free and clear. That means that when we pass title to you, you don't need to worry that some disinterested third party—such as a bank—may own an interest in the property. This is frequently not the case in the real estate world at large.
We give you a Warranty Deed guaranteeing the title—no lease-options, no long-term land contracts, but fee-simple title to the property after only six months' timely payments.
All of the properties featured in our inventory are available to you via our very liberal financing plan. In fact, we’ll finance your whole land purchase with less paperwork and frustration than you'd experience buying a used car, and with no hidden expenses and one low-interest rate that’s remained unchanged since 1982.
We'll set up a contract with you in return for one monthly payment. After six monthly payments, we give you a Warranty Deed to the property, and we hold a Deed of Trust and Quit-Claim Deed as security. We record the deeds at the county courthouse at our expense, and we pay all closing costs.
There are no penalties for pre-payment.
Terms are 9% simple interest for 15 years.
You may consider moving to the property after you have paid a $1,000.00 deposit. You must receive approval from us before taking up residence.
Requirements expected to be completed prior to moving, include:
1. Sign up with a local trash collector. Proof of paid invoice will be required.
2. Provide a septic tank and leach field approved by the County Health Department OR a commercially manufactured composting or incinerating toilet. Proof of paid invoice will be required.
3. Payments on all accounts with us must be current.
4. If placing a portable building on the property, provide us with the name and address of the vendor.
Check out the "How It Works" page for more information.
- House
- 252.55 Bedrooms
- 2490 Bathrooms
- 2.53 acres