Property Details
Cherry Creek Parcel 3
- Off-grid
- 4WD Access
- Creek Frontage
This parcel is covered with mature hardwoods and a scattering of eastern red cedar. At the very end of the access road, it is very, very private. The terrain is level-ish and buildable along the road frontage, then it slopes down north and east to the creek.
The parcel is a bit more than three-quarters of a mile back on an unpaved road that requires 4WD most times, and the electric grid is still a 3/8th-mile away. It features frontage on tiny little creek quietly babbling along in a lush, verdant hollow.
This location is about 22 miles south of Rolla, Missouri, 11 miles north of Licking, and the back gate at Fort Leonard Wood is about 20 miles (twice that to the front gate).
3.5 acres (estimate)
Legal Description
- CHERRY CREEK PARCEL 3: All that part of the South Half of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and all that part of the North Half of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter lying south and west of the centerline of the creek thereon. All in Section 22, Township 34 North, Range 9 West.
- We will pass Fee Simple Title to the purchaser conveying 100% of the ownership of the property including all timber, mineral and water rights. We own this property free and clear of all tax liens, judgments mortgages or other encumbrances. As purchaser, you are not assuming any existing liens. We will record a Warranty Deed to the property in your name after you have made six monthly payments.
- Access from Missouri State Highway K is by a gravel road on 40 and 50 foot easements. Maintenance of this road is the responsibility of the land-owners.
- Water:
- We do not supply water or water systems to any of these properties. Purchasers of these parcels need to arrange to drill their own private water well. For information on drilling procedures you should contact local well drillers in the area. The typical cost of a complete well, casing and pump system is usually around $6,500-$7,500. Permits are not required to drill water wells for single family dwellings; however, you are required to hire a state-licensed well driller.
- Electric:
- This parcel is currently off-grid. Intercounty Electric Cooperative in Licking, MO, 1-866-621-3679, has extended electricity to Parcel 10 about a quarter mile south of the property. Check with Intercounty for their latest policy on extending power.
- Telephone and Internet:
- Telephone and internet services are provided to Cherry Creek by CenturyLink 1-800-201-4099.
- Septic:
- We do not provide any means of sewage disposal for these properties. Being in a rural area, the most common methods of sewage disposal are by individual on-site septic tanks, however composting toilets are permitted.
- Septic systems must be constructed in accordance with County and State standards, and you must obtain permission from the Phelps County Health Department, 200 N. Main Suite G51, Rolla, MO 65401, (573) 458-6010 to install a septic tank. The average cost of a septic tank and drain field is $3500.
- Gas:
- Propane gas is available from local dealers.
- Mail Delivery:
- Mail is delivered to the Cherry Creek entrance on Missouri State Highway K. To establish a mailbox there, contact the postmaster at the Edgar Springs Post Office
- No parcel or lot of the property shall be further subdivided.
- The property or any parcel thereof, shall be used only for single family residential dwellings and no building, except as is otherwise herein set forth, shall be constructed on the property except single family dwellings.
No apartments. No trailer parks. No convenience stores. No factories.
- Only one single family dwelling may be constructed on each subdivided parcel of the Property.
If it requires an extra well and/or septic system, it's not a single family dwelling. This does not exclude guest cottages.
- Each single family dwelling constructed on the property shall have a fully enclosed living area exclusive of carports, garages, unfinished basements or open porches of at least 1000 square feet.
We are not enforcing this restriction.
- No mobile home, trailer, basement house or shack shall be erected upon or placed upon any parcel. Modular homes are permitted provided that they are permanently affixed to a reinforced concrete foundation, have a gable style roof, have a permanently attached entry porch, and comply with the provisions of Paragraph 4 above.
Travel trailers and campers are permitted for temporary camping if they remain mobile, that is licensed and movable, but you can't live in them permanently. We encourage geodesic domes, post and beam, passive and active solar and new and innovative techniques that employ sound building practices for this climate.
- Utility buildings, detached garages for housing vehicles owned by occupants of single family dwellings, greenhouses and barns may be constructed on the property.
- No part of the property shall be used for what is commonly known as a "used car lot" or motor vehicle salvage yard or any other type of junk yard and no "junk" motor vehicles or inoperable motor vehicles shall be stored or parked on any part of the property unless enclosed in a building or garage.
There are places for junk, we suppose, this just isn't one of them.
- No building, including livestock corrals, may be located within fifty feet of the property lines or 100 feet of the access road of any parcel of the property.
Cherry Creek will never look like a suburban subdivision. Don't crowd your boundaries and you and your neighbor will get along better.
- No swine shall be kept on any part of the property.
Yes, we know that they are naturally very clean animals, but as they are kept by most people requires larger acreage than this.
- No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon the property, nor shall anything be done on the property which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to any property owner benefited by these restrictions; provided, however, that this restriction shall not prevent the pasturing of horses or cattle (or smaller animals) on the property so long as no feedlot is maintained.
We're trying to encourage rural and small-farm activities and eliminate stinky, illegal, dangerous things like fiberglass resin manufacturing, methamphetimine production and toxic wastes.
- No commercial activities will be conducted on any part of the property; provided that offices for professional services not involving the sale of merchandise may be maintained in a single family dwelling and agricultural uses shall not be deemed commercial uses.
Generally speaking, if it doesn't require a parking lot or display advertising, or disrupt anyone else's lifestyle, it's okay with us.
- No commercial breeding or boarding kennels for dogs or cats shall be constructed or permitted on any part of the property.
The key word here is "commercial" but if you have enough dogs that constant barking can be heard hundreds of feet away, consider buying somewhere else. Frankly, I'm not sure why we mentioned cats.
- Each single family dwelling constructed on any parcel of the property shall be equipped with a waste water treatment facility and soil absorption facility or a sanitary sewage lagoon which complies with all the rules and regulations of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the Phelps County Commission. Such facility and any drain fields and laterals used in connection therewith or such lagoon shall be located at least 50 feet from the nearest property line of any parcel of the Property, and effluent from such facility or lagoon shall be contained within the lot lines of the parcel. Evidence of certification of the property installation of the facility or lagoon by a registered professional engineer or representative of the Phelps county Health Department shall be provided upon request to the owner or owners of any land adjoining a parcel of the Property on which such facility or lagoon is located.
You'll need to provide septic tank or sewage lagoon that meets state standards, You have to obey Missouri State and Phelps County laws. Duh. Composting systems are permitted and encouraged.
- If construction of a dwelling or construction of an outbuilding is started on the Property, the construction shall be carried on through to completion within one year from the beginning of construction.
That's completion of the exterior.
- No signs shall be placed on any part of the Property except for signs not larger than two feet by two feet containing the name and address of the occupant of the parcel of the Property and/or the name of the profession of the occupant of the parcel. This restriction shall not apply to the usual "For Sale" signs where a parcel of property is being offered for sale.
No 40-foot flashing neon.
- No owner or possessor of any parcel of the property shall begin construction of any dwelling or any other building on the parcel of property until such owner or possessor has installed a driveway between the road servicing the parcel and the parcel with a culvert at least twenty feet in length and twelve inches in diameter and with a road surface composed of a two inch layer of one inch base rock twelve feet in width and for a distance of at least 100 feet into the parcel from the road servicing the parcel.
Without a culvert, the water flows out of the ditches and onto the roadway, which softens and quickly ruins our access roads. Bad for everyone. As for the gravel, you'll thank us for this when the spring rains come. This whole package should cost around $400-500 professionally installed. Do-it-yourself for around half that in materials.
- $100 (estimate)
- Phelps County does not issue building permits and no building codes are in effect. The County Health Department must approve your septic system
Deed Restrictions:
Building codes and/or permits:
NOTE: You might be able to drive a regular passenger car into this property on a sunny day in June, providing it hasn’t rained recently. You might even be able to drive it back out with only minor damage, but if you want to live here, you definitely want to drive a 4WD vehicle.
1. These directions are accurate to the best of our knowledge but cannot be guaranteed. Visit this property at your own risk, we are not responsible for accidents.
2. We get the GPS coordinates from Google Earth. The likelihood of them being absolutely correct is minimal. Therefore...
3. Do not attempt to find this property without taking paper copies of our maps and directions.
No Down Payment - Warranty Deed after Six Months
Welcome to where, since 1982, we have dedicated ourselves to making Ozark Mountain land available to anyone who sincerely wants to own it, on a first-come, first-served basis. You don’t need to make a sizeable down payment, or any down payment at all—just start making the monthly payments.All of the properties we sell are owned by us, free and clear. That means that when we pass title to you, you don't need to worry that some disinterested third party—such as a bank—may own an interest in the property. This is frequently not the case in the real estate world at large.
We give you a Warranty Deed guaranteeing the title—no lease-options, no long-term land contracts, but fee-simple title to the property after only six months' timely payments.
All of the properties featured in our inventory are available to you via our very liberal financing plan. In fact, we’ll finance your whole land purchase with less paperwork and frustration than you'd experience buying a used car, and with no hidden expenses and one low-interest rate that’s remained unchanged since 1982.
We'll set up a contract with you in return for one monthly payment. After six monthly payments, we give you a Warranty Deed to the property, and we hold a Deed of Trust and Quit-Claim Deed as security. We record the deeds at the county courthouse at our expense, and we pay all closing costs.
There are no penalties for pre-payment.
Terms are 9% simple interest for 15 years.
Check out the "How It Works" page for more information.
- House
- 262.70 Bedrooms
- 25900 Bathrooms
- 3.90 acres