Upland Mists Parcel L

  • Reynolds County, Missouri
  • $Sold / $
  • 130.84
  • per month

Property Details

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Upland Mists Parcel L

This is the lowest-priced parcel currently in our inventory at only $12,900 and $130.84 per month. Now, if you were to spend that much on a used car today, you'd get one that, in fifteen years, would be a slightly lumpy pile of rust. However, by the time you finish paying off our 15-year contract, this property will be worth considerably more than you paid for it. In the meanwhile, it will provide you with a place to grow a garden, build a home, and practice the Sousaphone. Imagine: you get food, shelter, and culture, and all you have to pay to get started is $130.84 per month.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "How do I know the property will be worth more in fifteen years? Suppose the zombie apocalypse occurs, which, many respected economists speculate, will depress real estate markets. What then?"

Well, okay, there is that; we can't predict catastrophe, other than to say that there’s one going on someplace all the time, BUT barring some wild and freakish turn of events—like another Great Depression, or perhaps the total annihilation of Earth—land prices only go up.

And they do so with ever increasing speed. Consider this: in 1803, the Louisiana Purchase was consummated at about 2.5 cents per acre. By the 1900s, Ozark land prices had increased to around 25 cents per acre; a 1000% increase, but you had to wait 100 years for it. However, in the 1950s, larger acreages were selling for $25 per acre, and when I started business in 1973, comparable properties were bringing $250 per acre. That's when prices really started to inflate, and you can see what things are like today. Today, people consider land prices wildly expensive, but they also thought Jefferson was out of his mind for purchasing Louisiana and most of the Midwest for such an exorbitant price.

And now you may be wondering what sort of property you can get for a miserly $130-something per month.

A great one: Upland Mists Parcel L fronts on State Highway 72 four miles outside of Centerville, Missouri (population 189, yet it’s the county seat of Reynolds County), and a level mile from a country convenience store. The parcel slopes down from the highway frontage but this area is mostly open and is quite buildable. Downhill to the north it gets steeper and is covered with mature oak woods.


Adjoins Parcel J
  • 0.9 acres (estimate)

Legal Description
  • UPLAND MISTS PARCEL L: All that part of the East Half of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 31 North, Range 1 East, lying north of Missouri Highway #72.

  • We will pass Fee Simple Title to the purchaser conveying 100% of the ownership of the property including all timber, mineral and water rights. We own this property free and clear of all tax liens, judgments mortgages or other encumbrances. As purchaser, you are not assuming any existing liens. We will record a Warranty Deed to the property in your name after you have made six monthly payments.

    • The Parcel fronts on Missouri State Highway 72.

  • Water:
    • We do not supply water or water systems to any of these properties. Purchasers of these parcels need to arrange to drill their own private water well. For information on drilling procedures, you should contact local well-drillers in the area. The typical cost of a complete well, casing and pump system is usually around $6,500-$7,500. Permits are not required to drill water wells for single-family dwellings; however, you are required to hire a state-licensed well-driller.
  • Electric:
    • Electrical service is currently located at the nearest neighbor to the east, 700ft away. Electricity is provided to the area by: BLACK RIVER ELECTRIC CO-OP www.blackriverelectric.com P.O. Box 31, Fredricktown, Missouri, 63645, 800-392-4711 provides electricity to Upland Mists.
  • Telephone and Internet:
  • Septic:
    • We do not provide any means of sewage disposal for these properties. Being in a rural area, the most common methods of sewage disposal are by individual on-site septic tanks, however, composting toilets are permitted.
    • Septic systems must be constructed in accordance with County and State standards, and you must obtain permission from the Reynolds County Health Center, 2323 Green Street, Centerville, Missouri, 63633, 573-648-2498 to install a septic tank. The average cost of a septic tank and drain field is $3,500.
  • Gas:
    • Propane gas is available from local dealers.
  • Mail Delivery:
    • Mail is delivered to Upland Mists on Missouri State Highway 72. To establish a mailbox there, contact the postmaster at the Centerville Post Office.

Deed Restrictions:

These five restrictions apply to all of our older locations.

  1. No buildings shall be constructed closer than 100 ft. from a roadway or 30 ft. from a boundary. (This may be adjusted in certain locations.)

    Explanation: buildings placed closer can cause situations that interfere with road maintenance and utility transmission.

  2. No refuse, debris, unused building materials nor derelict vehicles shall be allowed to collect on the premises.

    Explanation: piles of junk are not only unsightly, but tend to spread to adjoining vacant parcels. Dead cars and junk make it harder for us to sell adjacent properties, or for you to sell yours.

  3. You may keep whatever livestock or pets you wish so long as they are not allowed to create a nuisance to neighboring land owners.

    Explanation: this probably means that if you want to keep pigs in the most common fashion, you need a parcel of at least 5 acres with a back corner located away from anyone else's home. Lots of barking dogs may also cause you problems depending on the size of your parcel and how you locate your facilities.

  4. No parcel shall be further subdivided.

    Explanation: you may build more than one residence on a single parcel, but you may not deed away a part of the parcel to someone else.

  5. All wastewater treatment facilities shall be constructed in accordance with applicable state water quality standards.

    Explanation: if you plan to construct an in-ground septic system, it must meet state standards. We find that the typical state-approved septic system will cost upwards of $3,000 for labor and materials. Additionally, the state says that any septic system on less than three acres be built to Missouri Department of Natural Resources specifications. Parcels of 5 acres or greater are virtually unrestricted. Since they do not endanger the ground-water, composting toilets are not restricted.

  • $25 (estimate)

Building codes and/or permits:
  • Reynolds County does not issue building permits and no building codes are in effect. The County Health Department must approve your septic system
DRIVING DIRECTIONS TO PARCEL L: From Centerville, drive south on Highway 21 to Highway 72 where you turn right or west. From that intersection, Upland Mists Parcel L is about a mile on your right (north side of the highway).

1. These directions are accurate to the best of our knowledge but cannot be guaranteed. Visit this property at your own risk, we are not responsible for accidents.
2. We get the GPS coordinates from Google Earth. The likelihood of them being absolutely correct is minimal. Therefore...
3. Do not attempt to find this property without taking paper copies of our maps and directions.

No Down Payment - Warranty Deed after Six Months

Welcome to OzarkLand.com where, since 1982, we have dedicated ourselves to making Ozark Mountain land available to anyone who sincerely wants to own it, on a first-come, first-served basis. You don’t need to make a sizeable down payment, or any down payment at all—just start making the monthly payments.

All of the properties we sell are owned by us, free and clear. That means that when we pass title to you, you don't need to worry that some disinterested third party—such as a bank—may own an interest in the property. This is frequently not the case in the real estate world at large.

We give you a Warranty Deed guaranteeing the title—no lease-options, no long-term land contracts, but fee-simple title to the property after only six months' timely payments.

All of the properties featured in our inventory are available to you via our very liberal financing plan. In fact, we’ll finance your whole land purchase with less paperwork and frustration than you'd experience buying a used car, and with no hidden expenses and one low-interest rate that’s remained unchanged since 1982.

We'll set up a contract with you in return for one monthly payment. After six monthly payments, we give you a Warranty Deed to the property, and we hold a Deed of Trust and Quit-Claim Deed as security. We record the deeds at the county courthouse at our expense, and we pay all closing costs.

There are no penalties for pre-payment.

Terms are 9% simple interest for 15 years.

Check out the "How It Works" page for more information.

  • House
  • 130.84 Bedrooms
  • 12900 Bathrooms